SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

战略计划2023 - 2028



Genesee 社区 College’s previous Strategic Plan, “Framing Our Future” helped to guide the College from 2018 through 2023. To ensure that the College continues to operate in a focused and efficient manner, 学院在2027- 2028学年全面更新学院的战略计划. 更新后的战略计划将实施,以支持学院的愿景和使命,这将有助于新计划名为“连接/包含/发展”。.

The College has had much success in past years, but many challenges remain to meet the needs of the local, regional, 全球社区. 学院最新的战略计划包括由核心目标支持的战略优先事项,这将为实现关键绩效指标提供路线图. 核心目标强调杰内西致力于帮助学生成功完成他们的教育目标.

With an increasingly diverse student population, the challenge to meet those personal goals is significant, 需要协调一致的努力.

杰纳西社区学院将继续在其成功的基础上建立新的合作伙伴关系, 创新学术项目, and an inclusive culture that promotes academic excellence, 持续改进, 专业发展. 2023-2028年战略计划将作为学院赋予学生权力的生活计划, employees and partners to “Connect | Include | Evolve”.


2023 - 2028战略计划是基于从六个独立的学院论坛收到的意见,大约150名参与者(包括教师), staff, 学生, 高中管理者, 校董会成员, 基金会董事会成员, and GLOW region community members) came together. 这些小组根据他们审查的与当前补救率有关的关键数据产生了想法, 改变辉光区域人口统计, 毕业率, 融资利率, 以及入学趋势.

公开论坛的结果被分类并提交给一个由代表上述成分的十(10)个人组成的领导团队. 除了, 领导团队参考现有的学院总体规划,将其纳入规划过程. Based on the over one thousand ideas proposed at these open forums, 领导团队负责制定一套由核心目标支持的核心战略重点,这些核心目标共同构成2023 - 2028年战略计划. 总统及其内阁也在战略计划的制定过程中提供了定期监督和投入. 在接下来的五年里, 该战略计划将被用作一个活生生的文件,以协助制定和调整学院内每个部门的年度成就计划, thereby bringing us closer to achieving the College’s mission.

发展 & 实现时间轴

2022年9月至10月: 领导团队 / Cabinet reviewed current priorities.

2022年11月- 2023年1月: College-wide Forums were held along with community meetings. Webpage with online comment form made available to the public through April 2023.

2022年12月- 2023年3月: Steering Committee revised mission and vision statements; developed core values;  developed and finalized core objectives for each Strategic Priority. Cabinet reviewed plan and provided input throughout.

2023年3月- 2023年4月: Webpages went live and college community was asked to review and provide feedback.

2023年4月: 战略规划 co-chairs submitted plan to Board of Trustees.

2023年5月: Board of Trustees approved the plan and released to all stakeholders.


Ms. Patricia Chaya (Co-Chair), Dean of Students

Ms. Patti Furness, Assistant Director for Operations

Mr. 托马斯·金赛,报告分析师

Dr. Lina LaMattina, Director of Business Programs

Mr. John Maloney, Assistant Director of 营销传播

Ms. Carol Marriott, Associate Vice President for 制度研究 and Planning

Ms. 米歇尔·派克,体育部长

Mr. Timothy Tomczak (Co-Chair), Dean of Human Communications and Behavior

Ms. Gina Weaver (Co-Leader), Vice President of Finance and Operations

Dr. Shelitha Williams(联合领导), Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services / Chief 多样性 Officer


Mr. 菲利普DiMartino

Ms. 唐娜渡轮

Mr. 大卫Hagelberger

Mr. 雅各布Kasmarek 学生受托人

Ms. 戴安娜Kastenbaum

Ms. 莫林•马歇尔

Ms. 劳里·米勒

Ms. 莎拉Noble-Moag

Ms. 玛丽·爱丽丝·帕内克

Ms. Jacalyn鳕鱼, Chair


Dr. James M. 太阳,总统

Ms. Bethany Aradine, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Mr. 贾斯汀·约翰斯顿,负责发展和对外事务的副总裁,基金会执行董事

Dr. Craig Lamb, Provost/Vice President for 学术事务

Mr. Nikolas Varrone, Vice President/Chief Information Officer

Ms. Gina Weaver, Vice President for Finance and Operations

Dr. Shelitha Williams,负责学生和招生服务的副校长/首席多元化官



作为包容性的, 以学习者为中心的社区大学, we foster exceptional teaching and 教育 opportunities
that support equitable intellectual and social growth, 对多样性的承诺, 经济发展, and
engaged citizenship, while focusing on individualized service.



GCC将是你的首选大学, 以其高度创新而闻名, flexible, and individualized 教育 experiences,
终身学习的机会, and ability to empower those in our community to thrive in a changing world.


为了提供最高质量的学术体验,并为所有学生和员工保持一个温馨的环境, GCC拥有我们在课堂和日常生活中表达的以下核心价值观:



We commit to effective 协作 and open communication; we are united by our shared purpose and we value our connections with the broader community in which we serve.






We adhere to high ethical standards and practices; we value honesty, fairness, 所有努力都要透明.



我们培养创造性, 创新, and collaborative environment that stimulates academic achievement and life-long learning.



我们投资学生的机会, equity, and success to support individual growth, 发展, and advancement; we value each community member’s distinctive potential and capacity to contribute.

Prospective student speaking to tour guide


我们力求文明, 礼貌, 和体贴, while recognizing and appreciating different points of view.

Man and woman reviewing a laptop screen next to a set of industrial-scale solar panels.


经济表现, social cohesion and improving the quality of campus life for the college community.

战略重点 & 核心目标

1. 学生支持 & Success

Commit to the success of every student; provide programs and services designed to assist our diverse student body in achieving individual 教育 goals.

  • 核心目标1.1: Support student progress rates at all segments and levels of their Genesee college career.
  • 核心目标1.2: 提高我们所有学生的成功成果(完成学业、转学和/或就业).
  • 核心目标1.3: Create an 教育 environment that addresses the needs of post traditional 学生.

2. 教学 & 学习

提供充满活力的教育体验,为大学社区的所有成员提供灵活的机会来满足他们的职业需求, 教育, 个人致富目标.

  • 核心目标2.1: 进一步发展以教学为中心的包容性环境,促进学生的成功和机构学习成果的实现.
  • 核心目标2.2: 通过教师和员工的发展,继续提高教学和教学水平.
  • 核心目标2.3: Leverage continuous assessment outcomes to ensure dynamic adaptation of courses and programs.
  • 核心目标2.4: Augment student experiences to apply learning beyond the classroom environment, 比如实习, 社区服务, 合作学习.
  • 核心目标2.5: 扩大创新的学习方式,继续减少时间和地点的限制,丰富学习经验.

3. 多元化、公平、包容、 & 健康

Nurture a community that fosters respect and values global citizenship and social justice. 在所有努力中加强我们对多元化、公平、包容和健康的承诺.

  • 核心目标3.1: Expand current efforts to increase recruitment, 保留, 就业, and success of underrepresented populations within the college community.
  • 核心目标3.2: Foster an environment of belongingness by broadening opportunities to better understand, embrace, and celebrate our individual differences.
  • 核心目标3.3: Evaluate and improve upon services that support the wellness of the campus community.

4. 财政、操作 & 基础设施可持续发展

保持高效, effective operations; identify and pursue additional sources of revenue and financial support; improve infrastructure; and foster a safe environment.

  • 核心目标4.1: Pursue opportunities to increase sources of revenue, 包括赠款, 战略性招生管理, 以及社区伙伴关系, while maintaining competitive tuition rates.
  • 核心目标4.2: Act as good stewards of resources and maintain accountability to stakeholders.
  • 核心目标4.3: 制定和实施支持经济和环境可持续发展目标的举措.
  • 核心目标4.4: 确保所有机构总体规划(包括但不限于设施)的一致性和执行, 技术, 招生, academic and diversity) with the College’s Strategic Plan.

5. Campus & 社区参与

重视学院的合作、开放和透明的环境,激发创造力和创新. Foster meaningful relationships with community partners to elevate the profile of GCC.

  • 核心目标5.1: Continuously refine communication channels to promote institutional transparency, 协作, 和有效性.
  • 核心目标5.2: 为教职员工提供和支持在大学社区和GLOW地区进行创新的机会.
  • 核心目标5.3: Enrich the local workforce by increasing 协作 with key 就业 sectors. Develop programming to advance evolving 就业 skills needed throughout the community.
  • 核心目标5.4: 加强与社区伙伴的协同作用,并在立法方面进行宣传,以支持我们的使命和价值观.
  • 核心目标5.5: Create and facilitate avenues to connect 学生 with the broader community (e.g.、本地企业、外部活动).